Main Page: Titles of European hereditary rulers

Last updated:  Aug 25, 2020



Lithuania ( Lietuva )





In the 13th century the Lithuanian tribes united under Mindovg / Mindaugas.


In the 14th century, Gedimin / Gediminas formed a strong Lithuanian state and extended its frontiers annexing Black Russia.

Olgerd, Gedimin's son, continued his father's expansionist policies and, by conquering vast Russian territories, stretched his domain from the Baltic to the Black Sea.


Influenced greatly by their Russian subjects, the Lithuanians not only reorganized their army, government administration, and legal and financial systems on Russian models but also allowed the Russian nobility to retain its Orthodox religion, its privileges, and its local authority.


In 1386, Jogaila, Supreme ruler of Lithuania, concluded a pact with Poland (the Union of Krewo), agreeing to accept the Roman Catholic faith, marry the Queen of Poland, and incorporate Lithuania to the Crown of Poland.


In 1401, the Pact of Vilnius and Radom amended the earlier Polish–Lithuanian union. Vytautas was instituted as the Grand Duke of Lithuania while his cousin Vladislas II Jogaila, King of Poland, retained the rights of an overlord.


Since 1447, the Poles elected the Lithuanian Grand Dukes as the Kings of Poland to preserve the union of the countries.


In 1569, during the reign of Sigismund Augustus, the last King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania from the House of Gedimin,  the Poles and Lithuanians concluded pact (the Union of Lublin) that united the two countries into one state, which was to be ruled by a single, jointly selected sovereign. Formally, Poland and Lithuania were to be distinct, equal components of the federation, each retaining its own army, treasury, civil administration, and laws; the two nations agreed to cooperate with each other on foreign policy and to participate in a joint Diet. Nevertheless, Poland had greater representation in the Diet and became the dominant partner.


In 1795 Austria, Russia and Prussia partitioned the Polish-Lithuanian state. The Russian Empire annexed the biggest part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and the Russian Emperors accepted the title of Grand Duke of Lithuania.


In 1918, Germany, which occupied the Lithuania lands during the World War I, created the Kingdom of Lithuania. In November 1918, after the defeat of Germany, the independent Republic of Lithuania replaced the Kingdom.








1. In the Middle Ages the Russian language (or its Western dialects, which would develop in the modern Belorussian and Ukrainian) was an official language of the Lithuanian state. Since the Union of Krewo with Poland (1386), Latin and then Polish became other official languages.

2. The Russian term  “Великий Князь” is translated as "Grand Prince",  the Latin term "Magnus Dux" is translated as "Grand Duke".

3. The Polish term "Książę" can be translated either as "Prince" or "Duke". In the Lithuanian documents of the 15-16th centuries issued in Russian this term was translated as "Княжа".









1. Собрание государственных грамот и договоров, хранящихся в государственной коллегии иностранных дел (Москва : тип. Н.С. Всеволожскаго, 1813).

2. Акты, относящиеся к истории Южной и Западной России, собранные и изданные Археографической комиссией (С.-Петербург : тип. Э. Праца, 1846-1853).

3. Акты историческiе, собранные и изданные Археографической Комиссиею (С.-Петербург : тип. II-го отд. Собственной Е.И.В. Канцелярій, 1841-).

4. Voigt, Johannes. Codex Diplomaticus Prussicus. Urkundensammlung zur älteren Geschichte Preußens (Osnabrück : 1965; reprint 1853).

5. Любавский М.К. Очерк истории литовско-русского государства до Люблинской унии включительно (Москва : 1915; изд..2-ое).

6. Raczynski, Edward. Codex diplomaticus Lithuaniae (Vratislaviae : Sumptibus Sigismundi Schletter, 1845).

7. Tyla, Antanas; Zygelis, Dainius. Lietuvos magdeburginiu miestu privilegijos ir aktai (Vilnius : Mokslas, 1991-).

8. Коцебу, Августъ. Свитригайло, великий князь Литовский (С.-Петербург : тип. Медицинскаго Департамента Министерства Внутреннихъ Делъ, 1835).

9. Сапунов, А. Витебская старина (Витебск : 1883).

10. Lietuvos Metrika (Vilnius : Lietuvos istorijos institutas).

11. Metraščiai ir kunigaikščių laiškai. (Vilnius : 1996).

12. Антонович, Владимир.; Козловский, Константин. Грамоты великих князей литовских с 1390 по 1569 год  (Киев : 1868).

13. Сборник палеографических снимков древних грамот и актов, хранящихся в Виленскомъ Центральном Архиве и Виленской Публичной Библиотеке (Вильна : 1884).

14. Міндаў кароль Літовіі. У дакументах і сведчаннях (Менск : Тэхналогія, 2005) [Нацыянальная Акадэмія Навук Беларусі. Інстытут гісторыі].

15. Акты, относящиеся к истории Южной и Западной России (С.-Петербург : 1863-1892).

16. Skurvydaitė, Loreta. Lietuvos valdovo Vytauto titulatūra: kada Vytautas ima tituluotis Didžiuoju kunigaikščiu? (Doktorantė Vilniaus universiteto Istorijos teorijos ir kultūros istorijos katedra) [Lietuvos istorijos studijos,  Nr.8, 2000].

17. Ochmanski, Jerzy. Vitoldiana : Codex privilegiorum Vitoldi magni ducis Lithuaniae 1386-1430 (Warszawa : PWN, 1986).

18. Говорский, Ксенофонт. Вестник Юго-западной и Западной России (Киев : 1862-1864) / Вестник Западной России (Вильна : тип. Ромма, 1864-).

19. Пещак, Марія. Грамоти XIV ст. (Київ : Наукова думка, 1974).

20. Описание рукописного отдела Виленской публичной библиотеки (Вильна : 1895-).

21. Akta grodzkie i ziemskie z czasów Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej z archiwum tak zwanego bernardyńskiego we Lwowie (Lwów : 1868-).

22. Fijałek, Jan; Semkowicz, Władysław. Codex diplomaticus Ecclesiae Cathedralis necnon Dioeceseos Vilensis = Kodeks dyplomatyczny Katedry i Diecezji Wileńskiej (Kraków : 1932-).

23. Lewicki, Anatol; Sokołowski, August. Codex epistolaris saeculi decimi quinti (Kraków : 1876-) [Monumenta medii aevi historica res gestas Poloniae illustrantia; II].

24. Prochaska, Antoni. Codex epistolaris Vitoldi Magni Ducis Lithuaniae 1376-1430 (Kraków : Anczyc, 1882) [Monumenta medii aevi historica res gestas Poloniae illustrantia; VI].

25. Антонович В.Б.; Терновский Ф.А. Сборник материалов для исторической топографии Киева и его окрестностей. (Киев : Тип. Е. Я. Фёдорова, 1874).

26. Maciejowski, Wacław Aleksander. Historya prawodawstw słowiańskich (Warszawa : 1856-; 2nd edition).








Geographical names.


Galicia -> Галичина; Галиция (in Ukraine and in Poland).

Głogów -> Glogau (in Silesia, Poland).

Grodno -> Hrodna; Гродна; Гродно, Grodno, Gardinas (in Belarus).

Kiev / Kyiv -> Київ; Киев (the capital of Ukraine);

Lithuania -> Lietuva; Litwa; Литва.

Livonia -> Inflanty; Livland;  Ливония (in Vidzeme, Latvia).

Lusatia -> Lausitz; Лужитцы (in Saxony, Germany);

Mazovia -> Mazowsze (in Poland);

Opava -> Troppau (in Czech Republic).

Podolia -> Подолье (in Ukraine).

Polotsk-> Полацк; Полоцк (in Belarus).

Poland -> Polonia; Polska; Lenkija; Польша.

Samogitia -> Žemaitija; Zmudz; Жмудь (in Lithuania).

Silesia -> Śląsk; Slezsko; Schlesien (in Poland and Czech Republic).

Smolensk -> Смоленск (in Russia).







First names.


Alexander -> Aleksandras; Александр.

Casimir -> Kazimieras; Казимир; Kazimierz.

George -> Jurgis; Георгий / Юрий; Jerzy.

Gedimin -> Gediminas; Гедымін; Гедимин.

Jogaila -> Ягайло; Jagiełło.

John -> Jonas; Иоанн / Иван; Jan.

Kestut -> Kęstutis, Кейстут.

Mindovg -> Mindaugas; Миндовг.

Olgierd -> Algirdas; Альгерд; Ольгерд.

Sigismund -> Žygimantas; Сигизмунд / Жигимонт; Zygmunt.

Švitrigaila -> СвидригайлоСвідрыгайла; Świdrygiełło.

Vladislas -> Vladislavas; Уладзіслаў; Владислав; Władysław.

Vytautas -> Вітаўт; Витовт; Witołd.







--- 1386-1401


Notes. In 1386, Jogaila, Supreme ruler of Lithuania, concluded a pact with Poland (the Union of Krewo), agreeing to accept the Roman Catholic faith, marry the Queen of Poland, and incorporate Lithuania to the Crown of Poland.



-- the Latin form


King of Poland;

Supreme Prince of Lithuania;

Hereditary Lord of Russia;


@ Samples:


(Nov 1386) [23: pars I (1876); p.8; Doc.# VIII]

< Jogaila (+1434), Supreme Ruler of Lithuania; King of Poland (Vladislas II) 1386 >

Vladislaus Dei gratia rex Poloniae,

Lithvaniae princeps supremus,

heres Russiae


(May 1390) [22: tom I; zeszyt 1 (1932);  p.30-31; Doc.# 17]

Vladislaus dei gratia rex Poloniae,

Lythuaniaeque princeps supremus et

haeres Russiae etc.



-- the Russian form


@ Samples:


(1387) [19: p.74; Doc.# 40]

< Jogaila (+1434), Supreme Ruler of Lithuania; King of Poland (Vladislas II) 1386 >

Владислав божье милости король польскии

литовскии руски, иных земль господарь







--- 1401-1447


Notes. In 1401, the Pact of Vilnius and Radom amended the earlier Polish–Lithuanian union. Vytautas was instituted as the Grand Duke of Lithuania while his cousin, Vladislas II Jogaila, King of Poland, retained the rights of supreme overlord.



-- the Latin form


Grand Dux of Lithuania, Russia;


@ Samples:


(Feb 1410) [22: tom I; zeszyt 1 (1932);  p.76-78; Doc.# 51]

< Vytautas / Alexander (+1430), Prince of Grodno / Hrodna; Grand Prince of Lithuania >

Allexander alias Wythowdus Dei gracia magnus dux Lythuanie et Russie etc.


(Apr 1415) [22: tom I; zeszyt 1 (1932);  p.98; Doc.# 67]

nos Allexander alias Vitowdus Dei gracia magnus dux Lythuanie et terrarum Russie etc.


(Sep 1421) [24: p.466-467; Doc.# CMLXIX]

Alexander alias Witoldus dei gracia magnus dux Lituanie et terrarum Russie etc.


(Oct 1428) [22: tom I; zeszyt 1 (1932);  p.131; Doc.# 106]

Alexander alias Witawdus Dei gracia magnus dux Lituanie, Russie etc.


(Dec 1431) [23: pars I (1876); p.70; Doc.# LXXIV]

< Švitrigaila / Boleslas (+1452), Prince of Podolia; Grand Duke of Lithuania [1430-1438] >

Boleslaus alias Swidrigal Dei gratia magnus dux Lithvaniae ac Russiae etc.


(Sep 1432) [22: tom I; zeszyt 1 (1932);  p.143-144; Doc.# 124]

< Sigismund (+1440), Grand Duke of Lithuania 1432 >

Nos Sigismundus Dei gracia magnus dux Lithwaniae Russiaeque etc.


(Sep 1437) [23: pars I (1876); p.84; Doc.# XCI]

Nos Boleslaus alias Switrigal Dei gratia magnus dux Lithvaniae, terrarum Russiae etc.


(Dec 1437) [23: pars I (1876); p.86; Doc.# XCIII]

Nos Sigismundus Dei gratia magnus dux Lithvaniae, Russiae etc.


(Mar 1442) [22: tom I; zeszyt 1 (1932);  p.192-193; Doc.# 170]

< Casimir (+1492), Grand Duke of Lithuania 1440; King of Poland (Casimir IV) 1446 >

nos Kazimirus Dei gratia magnus dux Litvaniae, Russiae etc.


(June 1445) [22: tom I; zeszyt 1 (1932);  p.207; Doc.# 181]

nos Casimirus Dei gratia magnus dux Lithwaniae, Russiae etc.


@ Samples [Auxiliary]:


(Aug 1387) [24: p.13; Doc.# XXXV]

< Vytautas / Alexander (+1430), Prince of Grodno / Hrodna; Grand Prince of Lithuania >

Nos Alexander alias Witoldus dei gracia dux Brestensis et Haradiensis etc.


(May 1389) [24: p.18; Doc.# LIII]

Allexander alias Wytowt dei gracia dux Hrodensis, Brestensis etc.


(Aug 1392) [24: p.959; Doc.# II]

Alexander alias Witowdus dei gracia magnus dux Lytwanie

dominus Trocensis Lucensis etc. etc.


(Mar 1402) [24: p.82; Doc.# CCLIX] [4: Band 5; # CXXIV; p.166] [8: Прибавления. p.1-44; Doc.# CXIX]

< Švitrigaila / Boleslas (+1452), Grand Duke of Lithuania >

Nos Boleslaus alias Swyttirgail dei gracia princeps et heres Litwanie et Russie et

dominus Podolie


(July 1422) [24: p.466-467; Doc.# MXXXIV]

Boleslaus alias Swidrigail dei gracia dux Littwanie et

terrarum Czirnegow, Szewor et Trubeczensis dominus etc.


(Oct 1432) [23: pars I (1876); p.76; Doc.# LXXXI]

< Michael (+ca.1452), son of Grand Duke Sigismund of Lithuania  >

Nos Michael natus magnifici principis domini Sigismundi magni ducis Lithvaniae et Russiae,

dux Lithvaniae



-- the Russian form


@ Samples:


(Sep 1432) [13: Выпуск 1; Doc.# 2]

< Sigismund (+1440), Grand Duke of Lithuania 1432 >

мы Жикгимонтъ, Божіею милостью великий князь Литовскии, Жомойтскии, Рускии и иныхъ


(June 1442) [2: том I; p.54; Doc.# 40-II]

Милостью Божіею, мы  великiй князь Казимиръ, королевичъ,

Литовскій, Жомойтскій, Рускій и иныхъ







--- 1447-1454 ( Casimir [ IV as King of Poland ] )


-- the Latin form


King of Poland;

Grand Prince of Lithuania;

Hereditary Lord of Russia, Samogitia;


@ Added:


- [1447] Poland

After an interregnum, the Polish nobility elected Casimir, Grand Duke of Lithuania, as King of Poland (June 1447).


@ Samples:


(Apr 1449) [22: tom I; zeszyt 1 (1932);  p.216; Doc.# 193]

Nos igitur Casimirus Dei gracia rex Polonie,

magnus dux Lithvanie,

Russie, Samogithie etc. heres


(Apr 1452) [22: tom I; zeszyt 1 (1932);  p.235-236; Doc.# 208]

nos Casimirus Dei gracia rex Polonie,

magnus dux Lythuanie,

Samogittie, Russieque dominus et  heres etc.



-- the Russian form


@ Samples:


(Nov 1449) [10: knyga 3 (1998); p.59; Doc.# 2]

< Casimir (+1492), Grand Duke of Lithuania 1440; King of Poland (Casimir IV) 1446 >

Милостью Божю, мы, Казимир, корол польскии и

великии князь литовскии, рускии, жомоитскии, и иныхъ


(July 1450) [10: knyga 3 (1998); p.59; Doc.# 1]

Казимир, Божью милостью, корол польскии и

великии князь литовскии, рускии, жомоитскии, и иных







--- 1454-1492 ( Casimir [ IV as King of Poland ] )


-- the Latin form


@ Added:


- [1454] Prussia

King Casimir IV accepted the offer of the Prussian cities and local nobility, which rebelled against the Teutonic Order, to incorporate Prussia into the Kingdom of Poland (1454).


@ Samples:


(July 1484) [22: tom I; zeszyt 2 (1939);  p.396; Doc.# 341]

< Casimir (+1492), Grand Duke of Lithuania 1440; King of Poland (Casimir IV) 1446 >

nos Casimirus Dei gracia rex Polonie,

magnus dux Lithuanie,

Russie, Prussie, Samogittie dominus et  heres



-- the Russian form


@ Samples:


(Nov 1457) [12: p.13-14; Doc.# 7]

< Casimir (+1492), Grand Duke of Lithuania 1440; King of Poland (IV) 1446 >

Самъ Казимеръ, Божю милостю Король полский,

великій князь Литовский, Руский,

княжа Пруское,

Жомоитский и иныхъ


(July 1483) [10: knyga 3 (1998); p.69; Doc.# 5]

Казимир, Божью милостью корол польскии и

великии князь литовскии, рускии,

княжа пруское,

жомоитъскии, и иныхъ







--- 1492-1501 ( Alexander )


-- the Latin form


Grand Duke of Lithuania;

Hereditary Lord of Russia, Samogitia;


@ Removed:


- [1492] Poland, Prussia

After the death of Casimir IV his younger son Alexander became Grand Duke of Lithuania, and his older son John-Albert became King of Poland and overlord of Lithuania (1492). 


@ Samples:


(Aug 1492) [22: tom I; zeszyt 2 (1939);  p.445-446; Doc.# 389]

< Alexander (+1506), Grand Duke of Lithuania 1492; King of Poland 1501 >

Nos Alexander Dei gratia magnus dux Lituaniae,

Russiae, Samogitiae dominus et  haeres


(Feb 1494) [22: tom I; zeszyt 2 (1939);  p.472; Doc.# 409]

Alexander Dei gratia magnus dux Lithuanie,

Russiae, Samogitie dominus et  heres


(July 1499) [22: tom I; zeszyt 2 (1939);  p.543-544; Doc.# 464]

Alexander Dei gratia magnus dux Lituaniae,

Russiae, Samogitiaeque etc. dominus et haeres


(Jan 1501) [22: tom I; zeszyt 2 (1939);  p.563; Doc.# 479]

Alexander Dei gracia magnus dux Lithvanie,

Russie, Samogitie etc. dominus et heres



-- the Russian form


@ Samples:


(Aug 1492) [2: том I; p.120; Doc.# 103]

< Alexander (+1506), Grand Duke of Lithuania 1492; King of Poland 1501 >

Мы Александръ, зъ Божее ласки велики князь Литовски,

Руски,  Жомойтски, панъ и дѣдичъ


(May 1499) [2: том I; p.196; Doc.# 172]

мы Александръ, Божьею милостью велики князь Литовск,

Руск, Жомойтск, и иныхъ панъ и дѣдичъ







--- 1501-1506 ( Alexander )


-- the Latin form


King of Poland;

Grand Duke of Lithuania;

Hereditary Lord of Russia, Prussia, Samogitia;


@ Added:


- [1501] Poland, Prussia

Alexander, Grand Duke of Lithuania, succeeded in Poland (1501).


@ Samples:


(July 1502) [10: knyga 8 (1995); p.182-183; Doc.# 183]

< Alexander (+1506), Grand Duke of Lithuania 1492; King of Poland 1501 >

Alexander, Dei gratia rex Poloniae,

magnus dux Lithuaniae,

Russiae, Prussiae, Samogitiaeque dominus et haeres


(July 1503) [10: knyga 12 (2001); p.618; Doc.# 771]

Alexander, Dei gratia rex Poloniae,

magnus dux Lithuaniae,

Russiae, Prussiae, Samogitiaeque dominus et haeres



-- the Russian form


@ Samples:


(Dec 1501) [12: p.33; Doc.# 14]

< Alexander (+1506), Grand Duke of Lithuania 1492; King of Poland 1501 >

Александрь, Божою милостію король Полский,

великий князь Литовский, Руский,

княжа Пруское,

Жомоитстий и иныхъ


(Mar 1503) [1: том 5; p.24; Doc.# 39]

Мы Александръ, Божьею милостью, Король Польскiй и

великiй Князь Литовскiй и Русскiй, и

Княжа Пруское, и

Жомоитский, и иныхъ


(Feb 1504) [12: p.38; Doc.# 18]

Александръ, Божою милостію Король полскій,

великій князь Литовскій, рускій,

княжа пруское,

жомоитскій и иныхъ


(Apr 1506) [10: knyga 8 (1999); p.145; Doc.# 324]

Александръ, Божью милостью, король полский,

великий князь литовский, руский,

княжа пруский,

жомоитский, и иныхъ







--- 1506- 1506/1507 ( Sigismund "the Old" )


-- the Latin form


Grand Duke of Lithuania;

Hereditary Lord of Russia, Samogitia;


@ Removed:


- [1506] Poland, Prussia

After the death of Alexander, King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania, his brother Sigismund succeeded him immediately in Lithuania (Aug 1506).


@ Samples:


(Nov 1506) [10: knyga 8 (1995); p.176; Doc.# 180]

< Sigismund "the Old" (+1548), Grand Duke of Lithuania Sep 1506, King of Poland Dec 1506 >

nos Sigismundus, Dei gratia magnus dux Lithuaniae,

Russiae, Samotiaeque dominus et haeres etc.


(4 Dec 1506) [10: knyga 8 (1995); p.182-183; Doc.# 183]

nos Sigismundus, Dei gratia magnus dux Lithuaniae,

Russiae, Samotiaeque dominus et haeres etc.



-- the Russian form


@ Samples:


(5 Jan 1507) [10: knyga 8 (1995); p.185; Doc.# 187]

< Sigismund "the Old" (+1548), Grand Duke of Lithuania 1506, King of Poland 1506 >

Мы Жикгимонт Божю милостю великии княз литовскии, рускии, жомоитъскии, и иных







--- 1506/1507-1526 ( Sigismund "the Old" )


-- the Latin form


King of Poland;

Grand Duke of Lithuania;

Hereditary Lord of Russia, Prussia, Samogitia;


@ Added:


- Poland, Prussia

Grand Duke Sigismund was elected King of Poland (Dec 1506).


@ Samples:


(28 Dec 1506) [10: knyga 8 (1995); p.180; Doc.# 182]

< Sigismund "the Old" (+1548), Grand Duke of Lithuania 1506, King of Poland 1506 >

nos, Sigismundus, Dei gratia electus rex Regni Poloniae,

magnus dux Lithuaniae,

Russiae, Prussiae, Samogitiaeque dominus et haeres etc.


(Aug 1511) [10: knyga 11 (1997); p.98-99; Doc.# 82]

Nos, Sigismundus, Dei gratia rex Poloniae,

magnus dux Lithuaniae,

Russiae, Prussiae, Samogitiaeque dominus et haeres etc.


(Mar 1523) [10: knyga 12 (2001); p.550; Doc.# 714]

Sigismundus, Dei gratia rex Poloniae,

magnus dux Lithuaniae,

Russiae, Prussiae, Samogitiaeque dominus et haeres etc.


(May 1525) [10: knyga 12 (2001); p.590; Doc.# 750]

Sigismundus, Dei gratia rex Poloniae,

magnus dux Lithuaniae,

Russiae, Prussiae, Samogitiaeque dominus et heres etc.



-- the Russian form


@ Samples:


(Feb 1507) [2: том II; p.10; Doc.# 13] [10: knyga 8 (1995); p.192; Doc.# 198]

Мы Жикгимонтъ зъ ласки Божьее король Польскій

великій князь Литовскій Рускій

княжа Пруское

Жомойтскій и иныхъ панъ и дѣдичъ


(June 1510) [2: том II; p.71; Doc.# 59]

Мы, Жикгимонтъ, Божьею милостью король Польскiй,

великiй князь Литовскiй, Рускiй,

княжа Пруское,

Жомойтскiй, и иныхъ панъ и дѣдичъ


(Jan 1516) [10: knyga 9 (2002); p.212; Doc.# 305]

мы, Жикгимонт Божю милостью, з ласки Божее корол полскии,

великии князь литовскии, рускии,

княжа пруское,

жомоитъскии и иныхъ пан и дедич


(Feb 1526) [13: Выпуск 1; Doc.# 14]

Жикгимонтъ, Божью милостью король Польскии,

великий князь Литовскии, Рускии,

княжа Пруское,

Жомоитскии и иныхъ < панъ и дедичъ >







--- 1526-1561


-- the Latin form


King of Poland;

Grand Duke of Lithuania;

Hereditary Lord of Russia, Prussia, Samogitia, Mazovia;


@ Added:


- [1526] Mazovia

The Duchy of Mazovia was annexed to the Crown of Poland (1526).


@ Samples:


(1527) [10: knyga 4 (1997); p.208; Doc.# 247]

Nos, Sigismundus, Dei gratia rex Poloniae,

magnus dux Lithuaniae,

Russiae, Prussiae, Samogitiae, Mazouiaeque etc. dominus et heres


(Dec 1528) [10: knyga 12 (2001); p.620; Doc.# 772]

Sigismundus, Dei gratia rex Poloniae,

magnus dux Lithuaniae,

Russiae, totiusque Prussiae, Masoviae et Samogitiae etc. dominus et heres


(July 1530) [10: knyga 4 (1997); p.410; Doc.# 516]

Sigismundus, Dei gratia rex Poloniae,

magnus dux Lithuaniae,

Russiae, Prussiae, Samogithiae, Mazouiae, etc. dominus et haeres


(Apr 1542) [20: выпуск III (1898); p.58; Doc.# 20]

Sigismundus Dei gratia rex Poloniae,

magnus dux Lithwaniae,

Russiae, Prussiae, Mazowiae, Samagithiae etc. dominus et heres


(Feb 1547) [26: tom VI (1858); p.296] < for Samogitia >

< Sigismund-Augustus (+1572), Grand Duke of Lithuania 1544, King of Poland 1548 >

Nos Sigismundus Augustus Dei Gratia Rex Poloniae,

Magnus Dux Lithwaniae,

Russiae, Prussiae, Samogitiaeque ac Mazoviae etc. Dominus et Haeres


(Jan 1559) [20: выпуск III (1898); p.68; Doc.# 27]

Sigismundus Augustus Dei gratia Rex Poloniae,

magnus Dex Litwaniae,

Russiae, Prussiae, Samogitiae, Masoviaeque etc dominus et haeres



-- the Russian form


@ Samples:


(Apr 1527) [10: knyga 12 (2001); p.487; Doc.# 638]

< Sigismund "the Old" (+1548), Grand Duke of Lithuania 1506, King of Poland 1506 >

Мы, Жикгимонт, Божью милостью король польский,

великии княз литовскии, рускии, прускии, жомоитскии, мазовецкии и иных


(July 1536) [2: том II; p.253; Doc.# 175]

Мы, Жикгимонтъ, Божьею милостью король Польскiй и

великiй князь Литовскiй, Рускiй, Прускiй, Жомойтскiй, Мазовецкiй и иныхъ


(Dec 1545) [12: p.13; Doc.# 7]

< Sigismund-Augustus (+1572), Grand Duke of Lithuania 1544, King of Poland 1548 >

Жикгимонтъ Августъ, Божю милостю королъ полскій,

великий князь Литовский, Руский, Пруский, Жемоитский, Мазовецкий и иныхъ


(Feb 1561) [2: том III; p.110; Doc # 28]

Жыгимонт Август, Божею милостью король Польский,

великий князь Литовский, Русский, Прусский, Жомоитский, Мазовецкий, и иных







--- 1561-1572


-- the Latin form


King of Poland;

Grand Duke of Lithuania;

Hereditary Lord of Russia, Prussia, Samogitia, Mazovia, Livonia;


@ Added:


- [1561] Livonia

Some possessions of Livonian Knighs passed to Sigismund-Augustus, King of Poland, and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1561).


@ Samples:


(Mar 1571) [20: выпуск III (1898); p.81; Doc.# 33]

< Sigismund-Augustus (+1572), Grand Duke of Lithuania 1544, King of Poland 1548 >

Sigismundus Augustus Dei gratia Rex Poloniae, magnus Dux Lithvanjae,

Russiae, Prussiae, Samogitiae, Masoviae, Livoniaeque etc. dominus et haeres



-- the Russian form


@ Samples:


(Oct 1562) [2: том III; p.114; Doc # 29]

< Sigismund-Augustus (+1572), Grand Duke of Lithuania 1544, King of Poland 1548 >

Жигимонд Август, Божьей милостью Король Польский,

Великий князь Литовский, Русский, Прусский, Жемойтский, Мазовецкий, Лифляндский, и иных


(June 1563) [10: knyga 51 (2000); p.335; Doc.# 240]

Жикгимонтъ Августъ, Божью милостью корол полскии,

великии княз литовъскии, рускии, прускии, жомоитскии, мазовецкии, лифлянътъскии и иныхъ


(Sep 1567) [10: knyga 531 (2001); p.35; Doc.# 1]

Жыкгимонт Август, Божю милостью корол полскии,

великии князь литовскии, рускии, прусскии, жомоитскии, мазовецкии, лифлянтскии и иныхъ


(Apr 1572) [10: knyga 51 (2000); p.309; Doc.# 222]

Жикгимонт Август, Божю милостью корол полскии,

великии княз литовскии, рускии, прускии, жомоитскии, мазовецкии, лифлянтъскии и иных







--- 1573-1795  see Poland


@ Samples:


(Apr 1574) [2: том III; p.177-178; Doc.# 59]

< Henry (+1589), King of Poland & Grand Duke of Lithuania [1573-1574], King of France 1574; Duke of Anjou, Bourbon, Auvergne; Count of La Marche, Forez, Quercy, Rouergue, Montfort >

Генрикъ, Божьею милостью король Польскій,

великій князь Литовскій, Рускій, Прускій, Мазовецкій, Жомойтскій, Кіевскій, Волынскій, Подляшскій, Лифлянскій и иных, а къ тому

княжа Андекгавеньское, Борбонское и Альверненское, и тежь

кграбя въ Мархіи, Форестіи, Кверцыи, Роверіи и въ Монтисфорцыи и пр.


(Nov 1576) [12: p.78; Doc.# 38]

< Stephen Bathory (+1586), Prince of Transylvania; King of Poland & Grand Duke of Lithuania 1574/75 >

Стефанъ, Божою мылостію король Полскій,

великій князь Литовскій, Рускій, Прускій, Мазовецкій, Жимойскій, Киевскій, Волинскій, Подляскій, Инфляндскій, панъ и

княжа Семигродское


(Feb 1605) [2: том II; p.31-32]

Жикгимонтъ третій, Божъю милостю король Полскій,

великій князь Литовській, Рускій, Прускій, Мазовецкій, Жомоитскій, Ифлянтскій и

Шведскій, Кготскій, Вандалскій дѣдичный король


(Oct 1735) [12: p.24; Doc.# 12] < for  Lithuania >

Аugustus tertius Dei gratiа гех Рoloniаe,

magnus duх Lithuаnіае, Russiае Рrussiае, Мasoviаe, Samogtiае, Кioviае, Vоlhуniаe, Роdoliаe, Livoniаe, Smоlensciае, Severiae, Сaernіechoviаeque, nec non

haereditarius duх Sахoniаe et

рrinceps elесtor







>>> --- 1655-1661 ( Alexis Romanov )



1. In 1655, the Muscovite army occupied a big part of Lithuania, including its capital city, Vilnius, and Alexis Romanov, Czar of Russia, was proclaimed Grand Duke of Lithuania.

2. In 1661, after the Polish army's counter-offensive, the Muscovites lost most of their conquests in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.



Czar & Grand Prince, Autocrat of all Greater, Lesser & White Russia, of Moscow, Kiev, Vladimir, Novgorod;

Czar of Kazan, Astrakhan, Siberia;

Lord of Pskov;

Grand Prince of Lithuania, Smolensk, Tver, Wolyn, Podolia, Ugra, Perm, Viatka, Bulgaria;

Lord & Grand Prince of Novgorod of the Lower Lands, of Chernigov, Riazan, Polotsk, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Belozero, Udor, Obdoria, Conda, Vitebsk, Mstislav;

Dominator of all the Northern Countries;

Lord of the Land of Iveria, of the Georgian & Kartlian Czars, of the Land of Kabarda, of the Princes of the Cherkasses & the Mountaineers,


@ Samples:


(May 1658) [3: том IV; ]

< Alexis Romanov (+1676), Czar of Russia 1645; Grand Duke of Lithuania >

Божiею Милостiю, мы Великiй Государь Царь и Великiй Князь Алексiй Михайлович, всея Великiя и Малыя и Бeлыя Росии Самодержецъ,

Московскiй, Кiевскiй, Владимiрскiй, Новгородскiй,

Царь Казанскiй, Царь Астраханскiй, Царь Сибирскiй,

Государь Псковскiй и

Великiй Князь Литовскiй, Смоленскiй, Тверскiй, Волынскiй, Подольскiй, Югорскiй, Пермскiй, Вятскiй, Болгарскiй и иныхъ,

Государь и Великiй Князь Новагорода Низовскiя земли, Черниговскiй, Резанскiй, Полоцкiй, Ростовскiй, Ярославскiй, Бѣлоозерскiй, Удорскiй, Обдорскiй, Кондiйскiй, Витебскiй, Мстиславскiй и

Всея Сѣверныя страны Повелитель и

Государь Иверскiя земли, Карталинскихъ и Грузинскихъ Царей, и

Кабардинскiя земли, Черкасскихъ и Горскихъ Князей и

иныхъ наслѣдный Государь и Обладатель  










Appendix 1.  The Lithuanian Princes


@ Samples:


(Mar 1375) [18: год VII (1869); том II; книжка V; p.27; Doc.# 2]

< Alexander (+1380), Prince of Podolia; son of Prince Koriat / Karijotas >

Мы княз литовьскии княз Олексанъдро Корьятовичь божією милостью князь и господарь Подольскои земли


(Oct 1386) [24: p.10; Doc.# XXIX]

< Demetrius / Kaributas (+ after 1404), Prince of Novgorod-Seversky >

Nos Demetrius alias Koributh dux Litwanie,

dominus et heres de Nouogrodek


(Oct 1386) [24: p.10; Doc.# XXX]

< Basil (+ after 1392), Prince of Pinsk >

Nos Wassily dux Penen


(June 1387) [23: pars I (1876); p.11; Doc.# X] [24: p.11; Doc.# XXXIII]

< Skirgaila (+1397), Prince of Trokaj, of Polotsk >

Skirgalo Dei gratia dux Lithvaniae et

dominus Trocensis ac Polocensis


(May 1388) [24: p.14; Doc.# XL]

< Alexander / Vygantas (+1392), Prince of Kernavė / Kiernów >

Nos Allexander dei gracia alias Wygunth dux Kernouiensis


(1388) [4: Band 4; # LI; p.68] [6: p.48]

Nos Schirgalo dei gracia dux lithuanie et

dominus Tracensis et Polocensis etc.


(July 1388) [23: pars I (1876); p.14; Doc.# XIV]

< Vladimir (+after 1398), Prince of Kiev >

Vlodimirus Dei gratia dux Kijoviensis etc.


(1400) [18: год VII (1869); том II; книжка V; p.31; Doc.# 6]

< Alexander (+1433), Prince of Starodub; son of Prince Patrick / Patrikey >

Се язъ княз Александръ Патрикѣєвич Стародубски


(Mar/Apr 1411) [25: p.3; Doc.# 1]

< Alexander / Olelko (+1455), Prince of Kiev >

Nos igitur Alexander Dei gratia Dux et haeres Kijoviae et cetera


(June 1459) [12: p.19; Doc.# 9]

< Simon (+1470), Prince of Kiev 1454 >

Мы, князь Семенъ Александровичъ великого князства своего Киевскаго


(July 1476) [22: tom I; zeszyt 2 (1939);  p.352-353; Doc.# 298]

< Alexander (+1511), Prince Olshanski / Alšėniškis >

nos Alexander dux Olszanensis et

haeres de Lebiedziow