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Main Page: Titles of European hereditary rulers

Last updated: Dec 10, 2016

Denmark ( Danmark )


1. Nielsen, Oluf August. Kjøbenhavns diplomatarium. Samling af dokumenter, breve og andre kilder til oplysning om Kjøbenhavns ældre forhold før 1728 (Kjøbenhavn : I kommission hos G. E. C. Gad, 1872-1887).
2. Diplomatarium Danicum (København).
3. Blatt, Franz. Danmarks riges breve, udg. af det Danske sprog- og Litteraturselskab (København : Munksgaard, 1958-).
4. Diplomatarium Norvegicum: Oldbreve til Kundskab om Norges indre og ydre Forhold, Sprog, Slægter, Sæder, Lovgivning og Rettergang i Middelalderen (Kristiania / Oslo : 1847-).
5. Svenskt Diplomatarium = Diplomatarium Suecanum (Stockholm : 1829-).
6. Neues Archiv der Neues Archiv der Schleswig-Holstein-Lauenburgischen Gesellschaft für vaterländische Geschichte (Kiel : 1844-) [Nordalbingische Studien].
7. Martens, Georges Frédéric de. Recueil des principaux traités d’alliance, de paix, de trêve, de neutralité, de commerce, de limites, d’échange, etc., conclus par les puissances de l’Europe tant entre elles qu’avec les puissances et États dans d’autres parties du monde, depuis 1761 jusqu’à présent (Gottingue : Jean Chrétien Dieterich, 1791-1801).
8. Martens, Georges Frédéric de. Supplément au Recueil des principaux traités d’alliance, de paix, de trêve, de neutralité, de commerce, de limites, d’échange, etc., conclus par les puissances de l’Europe tant entre elles qu’avec les puissances et États dans d’autres parties du monde depuis 1761 jusqu’à présent. Précédé de traités du XVIIIe siècle antérieurs à cette époque et qui ne se trouvent pas dans le Corps universel diplomatique de MM. Du Mont et Rousset et autres recueils généraux de traités (Gottingue : Henri Dieterich, 1802-1808. 4 vols).
9. Halem, Gerhard Anton von. Geschichte des Herzogthums Oldenburg (Leer : Schuster, 1974).
10. Res Polonicae ex Archivo Regni Daniae (Romae : Institutum Historicum Polonicum) [Elementa ad fontium editiones vol. IX, XX, XXIV, XXIX, XXXIII].
11. Rymer, Thomas; Holmes, George. Foedera, conventions, litterae, et cujuscumque generic acta publica inter reges Angliae et alios quosvis imperatores, reges, pontifices, principes, vel communitates. 1101-1654 (London : Tonson, 1727-1729; 2nd ed., 17 vols).
12. Jahrbücher des Vereins für Mecklenburgische Geschichte und Altertumskunde (Schwerin : 1836-).
13. Freds-Fördrag Emellan Hans Maj:t Konungen af Swerige och Sweriges Rike Å ena, samt Hans Maj:t Konungen af Dannemark och Danska Riket Å andra sidan, Afhandladt och slutit i Kiel den 14 Januarii, Ratificeradt i Stockholm den 31 i samma månad, och i Köpenhamn den 7 Februarii, 1814 (Stockholm : Tryckt i Kongl. Tryckeriet, 1814).
14. Niels Sörensön Heedes sidste dage. Striden om hans penge og hvad der i øvrigt gemte sig i hans skuffer. Rettelser og tilføjelser til artikel i naervaerende årbog 1983.Af K. Stenstrup, Aalborg.
15. Steen Billes. Beretning om Corvetten Galathea's Reise omkring Jorden 1845, 46 og 47 (København : C.A. Reitzel, 1849-).
16. Zacher, Georg. Die Arbeiter-versicherung im Auslande (Berlin : 1898).
17. Novum corpus constitutionum Prussico-Brandenburgensium praecipue marchicarum, oder, neue Sammlung Königl. Preussl. und Churfürstl. Brandenburgischer, ... Ordnungen, edicten, mandaten, rescripten, &c. &c. vom Anfang des Jahrs 1751. und folgenden Zeiten (Berlin : 1753-1822).
18. Schirren, Carl. Neue Quellen zur Geschichte des Untergangs livländischer Selbständigkeit (Reval : 1883-1886) [Archiv für die Geschichte Liv-, Est- und Kurlands; Neue Folge, IX–XI].
19. Schriften der Universitat zu Kiel (Kiel).
20. Knudsen, Hans; Wegener, C. F. Diplomatarium Christierni primi. Samling af Aktstykker, Diplomer og Breve henhørende til Kong Christiern den Førstes Historie (København : J.D. Qvist, 1856).
21. Hansische Geschichtsblätter (Leipzig).
22. Rasmussen, O. F. C. Optegnelser om Gisselfeld (Nestved : A.P. Bang, 1868).
23. Stephensen, Oddgeir; Sigurðsson, Jón. Lovsamling for Island (Kjöbenhavn : 1853-).
24. Lassen, Hartvig. Henrik Wergelands Samlede Skrifter (Christiania : 1852-1857)
25. Nielsen, Yngvar. Aktstykker vedkommende stormagternes mission til Kjøbenhavn og Christiania i aaret 1814 (Christiania : 1896) [Skrifter udgivne af Videnskabsselskabet i Christiania; II. Historisk-filosofisk Klasse; 1895; No 1].
26. Paludan-Müller, Caspar. For Literatur og Kritik. Et Fjerdingaarsskrift, udg. af Fyns Stifts literære Selskab (Odense : 1843).
27. Bjerge, Poul; Söegaard, Thyge J.; Schmidt, August F. Danske vider og vedtægter eller gamle landsbylove og byskråer (København : Lehmann & Stages, 1904-).
28. Nyrop, Camillus. Bidrag til den danske Boghandels Historie. Trykt som Manuskript (København : Gyldendal).
29. Hasse, Paul; Pauls, Volquart. Schleswig-Holsteinische Regesten und Urkunden (Hamburg & Leipzig : L. Voss, 1886-).
30. Lovtidende / Lovtidende for Kongeriget Danmark (København : 1871-).
31. Ministerialtidende for Kongeriget Danmark (København).
32. Samlinger til Det norske Folks Sprog og Historie (Christiania : 1833-1839).
33. Mecklenburgisches Urkundenbuch (Schwerin : 1863-1936; 24 vols.; Berlin : 1977-).
34. Suhm, Peter Frederik; Kall, Abraham; Nyerup, Rasmus. Historie af Danmark: (Kiøbenhavn : 1782-1828).
35. Neergaard, E.; Pontoppidan, J. K. P. L. 18de Bataillons Historie. 1785-1885 (Kjöbenhavn : 1885).
36. Beitra?ge zur Kunde Ehst-, Liv- und Kurlands (Reval : 1868-).
37. Konung Gustaf den förstes registratur (Stockholm : 1861-) [Handlingar rörande Sveriges historia; Serien I].
38. Gram, Hans; Suhm, Peter Frederik, Krag, Niels; Stephanius, Stephen. Den stormægtigste konge kong Christian den Tredie, konge til Danmark og Norge zc. zc. zc hans historie (Kjöbenhavn : Godiches, 1776-).
39. Giessing, Hans P. Kong Frederik den Sjettes Regjeringshistorie, Kong Frederik den Sjettes Regjeringshistorie (Kjöbenhavn : Bing & Son, 1850).
40. Blom, Gustav Peter. Norges Statsforandring i Aaret 1814: historisk beskreven (Christiania : Malling, 1860).
41. Aall, Jacob; Lange, Christian Christoph Andreas; Aall, Jørgen Christian. Erindringer som bidrag til Norges historie fra 1800 til 1815 (Christiania : Cappelen, 1859; edition 2).
42. Kolderup-Rosenvinge, Janus L. A. Samling af gamle danske love, udgivne med indledninger og anmaerkninger og tildeels med oversaettelse (Kjøbenhavn : 1821-).

Geographical names.

Denmark -> Dacia / Dania; Danmark;
The Danes -> Danorum;
Dithmarschen -> Ditmarsken (in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany);
Estonia -> Estland;
The Goths -> Gothorum; Goters;
Holstein -> Holsatia; Holsten (in Germany);
Iceland -> Island;
Jutland -> Jutia; Jylland (in Denmark and Germany);
Norway -> Norwegia; Norges;
Schleswig -> Slesvig (in Denmark and Germany);
Sweden -> Swecia; Sveriges;
Pomerania -> Pomorze; Pommern (in Poland and Germany).
The Wends / Slavs -> Sclavorum; Venders;

First names.

Canute -> Kanutus; Knud / Cnut;
Christian -> Christiern;
John -> Johannes; Hans;
Margaret -> Margrethe;
Valdemar -> Woldemar; Waldemar;

--- the 12th century-1186

King of the Danes;

@ Samples:

(Jan 1135) [5: bandet 1; p.48; Doc.# 33]
< Eric II "Emune" (+1137), King of Denmark 1134 >
Ericus, erici filius, Divina fauente clemencia Danorum rex

(July 1166) [5: bandet 1; p.97; Doc.# 73]
< Valdemar I "the Great" (+1182), King of Denmark 1157 >
Waldemarus Dei gratia rex Danorum

(Feb 1180) [2: række 1; part 3; p.132-133; Doc.# 89]
Ego Valdemar, dei gracia rex Danorum

(Mar 1183) [2: række 1; part 3; p.172-174; Doc.# 111]
< Canute VI (+1202), King of Denmark 1182 >
Ego Kanutus dei gracia rex Danorum

--- 1186-1202 ( Canute VI )

King of Denmark, the Wends;

@ Added:

- the Wends
King Canute VI extended the Danish dominion over the lands of the North West Slaves (the Wends) in Pomerania, Mecklenburg, etc.

@ Samples:

(Mar 1196) [2: række 1; part 3; p.338; Doc.# 215]
< Canute VI (+1202), King of Denmark 1182 >
Kanutus dei gracia Danorum Sclauorumque rex

(Dec 1200) [2: række 1; part 4; p.43; Doc.# 24]
Kanutus dei gracia Danorum Sclauorumque rex

(1201) [5: bandet 1; p.143; Doc.# 118]
Kanutus Dei gracia Danorum Sclauorumque rex

--- 1202-1214 ( Valdemar II )

King of Denmark, the Wends;
Duke of Jutland;
Lord of Nordalbingia;

@ Added:

- [1202] Jutland, Nordalbingia
Valdemar "the Victorious", Duke of Jutland, who had defeated the Count of Holstein and annexed the German lands between the Elbe and the Eider, became King of Denmark after the death of his brother King Canute VI (1202).

@ Samples:

(1203) [5: bandet 1; p.148; Doc.# 120]
< Valdemar II (+1241), King of Denmark 1202 >
Ego Waldemarus, Waldemari Regis filius, Dei gratia Danorum Sclauorumque Rex
Dux Jutie &
Dominus Nordalbingie

(1205) [2: række 1; part 4; p.205; Doc.# 102]
Waldemarus dei gratia Danorum Sclauorumque rex.
dux Iucie
dominus Nordalbingie

(Sep 1209) [2: række 1; part 4; p.294-296; Doc.# 160]
ego Waldemarus, Danorum Sclauorumque rex dei gratia,
dominus Nordalbingiæ,
dux Iutiæ

(Jan 1212) [2: række 1; part 5; p.17; Doc.# 10]
Ego W. dei gratia Danorum Slauorumque rex
dux Iutie
dominus Nordalbingie

(May 1214) [29: Band 1; p.139; Doc.# 293]
ego W. dei gracia danorum sclauorumque. rex.
dux iucie.
dominus nordalbingie

--- 1214-1250

King of Denmark, the Wends;

@ Removed:

- Jutland, Nordalbingia

@ Samples:

(Apr 1216) [2: række 1; part 5; p.108-109; Doc.# 72]
< Valdemar II (+1241), King of Denmark 1202 >
Ego Waldemarus dei gracia Danorum Sclauorumque rex

(Apr 1231) [2: række 1; part 6; p.163-164; Doc.# 120]
Waldemarus Secundus dei gratia Danorum Slauorumque rex

(Apr 1231) [2: række 1; part 6; p.164-165; Doc.# 121]
< Valdemar III (+1231), Co-King of Denmark 1215 >
Waldemarus Tercius dei gratia Danorum Slauorumque rex

(Mar 1237) [2: række 1; part 6; p.298; Doc.# 235]
Ego Waldemarus Secundus dei gratia Danorum Sclauorumque rex

(July 1237) [2: række 1; part 6; p.302; Doc.# 240]
< Eric IV "the Plough-Penny" (+1250), King of Denmark 1241 >
Ericus dei gracia Danorum Slauorumque rex

--- 1250-1252 ( Abel )

King of Denmark, the Wends;
Duke of Jutland;

@ Added:

- [1250] Jutland
Abel, Duke of Jutland, succeeded in Denmark after the murder of his brother King Eric IV "the Plough-Penny" (1250)

@ Samples:

(Sep 1251) [4: Samling 5; p.5; Doc.# 5]
< Abel (+1252), Duke of Jutland; King of Denmark 1250 >
Abel dej gracia Danorum Slauorumque rex
dux Jucie

--- 1252-1326

-- the 1st form

King of Denmark, the Wends;

@ Removed:

- [1252] Jutland
The union of the Denmark and Jutland ended with the death of King Abel who lost his life during a war on the Frisians. Abel's brother Christopher (+1259) became King of Denmark, and Jutland passed to Erik, Abel's eldest son (1252).

@ Samples:

< Christopher I (+1259), King of Denmark 1252 >

(Oct 1264) [5: bandet 1; p.423; Doc.# 499]
< Eric V "the Glipping" (+1286), King of Denmark 1259 >
Ericus Dei gracia Danorum Sclauorumque Rex

(Aug 1294) [5: bandet 2; p.177; Doc.# 1116]
Ericus dei gracia danorum sclauorumque rex

(Nov 1318) [5: bandet 3; p.383; Doc.# 2173]
< Eric VI "the Menved" (+1319), King of Denmark 1286 >
Erich med Guds Naade, Dane oc Sclavis Konge

(Jan 1321) [2: række 2; part 8; p.301; Doc.# 328]
< Christopher II (+1332), King of Denmark [1320-1326; 1329-1332] >
Wij Chrestopher aff gudtz naade, Danmarckis och Wenndis konning

(May 1326) [2: række 2; part 9; p.220; Doc.# 266]
Christoforus dei gracia Danorum Slauorumque rex

-- the 2nd form

1. The second form of the title was often used in the Danish official documents that dealt with German and Estonian matters.

King of Denmark, the Wends;
Duke of Estonia;

@ Samples:

(Oct 1294) [5: bandet 2; p.180; Doc.# 1120]
< Eric VI "the Menved" (+1319), King of Denmark 1286 >
Ericvs Dei gracia Danorum Slavorumque rex
Dux Estonie

(June 1316) [5: bandet 3; p.254; Doc.# 2061]
Ericus Dei gracia Danorum Sclavorumque Rex,
Dux Estonie

(June 1322) [2: række 2; part 8; p.388; Doc.# 423]
< Christopher II (+1332), King of Denmark [1320-1326; 1329-1332] >
Christoforus dei gracia Danorum Sclauorumque rex,
dux Estonie

(June 1324) [2: række 2; part 9; p.92; Doc.# 121]
< Christopher II (+1332), King of Denmark [1320-1326; 1329-1332]; & Erik (VII) (+1332), Co-King of Denmark >
Christoforus et Ericus filius eius dei gracia Danorum Sclauorumque reges,
duces Estonie

(June 1325) [2: række 2; part 9; p.149; Doc.# 196]
Christoforus dei gracia Danorum Sclauorumque rex,
dux Estonie

--- 1326-1326

-- the 1st form

King of Denmark, the Wends;
Duke of Jutland;

@ Added:

- [1326] Jutland
Valdemar V (+1364), Duke of Jutland, became King of Denmark as Valdemar III (1326).

@ Samples:

(Aug 1326) [2: række 2; part 9; p.259; Doc.# 295]
< Valdemar (+1364), Duke of Jutland; King of Denmark [1326-1329] >
Woldemarus dei gracia Danorum Sclauorumque rex, quondam
dux Iucie

-- the 2nd form

King of Denmark, the Wends;
Duke of Estonia, Jutland;

@ Samples:

(Aug 1326) [2: række 2; part 9; p.255-256; Doc.# 293]
< Valdemar (+1364), Duke of Jutland; King of Denmark [1326-1329] >
Waldemarus dei gratia Danorum Sclauorumque rex,
Iutiæ et Estoniæ dux

--- 1326-1332

-- the 1st form

King of Denmark, the Wends;

@ Removed:

- [1326] Jutland
King Valdemar III invested Count Gerhard III of Holstein with Jutland (1326).

@ Samples:

(Dec 1326) [2: række 2; part 9; p.306; Doc.# 338]
< Valdemar (+1364), Duke of Jutland; King of Denmark [1326-1329] >
Waldemarus dei gracia Danorum Sclauorumque rex

(Dec 1327) [2: række 2; part 9; p.420; Doc.# 463]
Waldemarus dei gratia Danorum Sclauorumque rex

(Aug 1328) [5: bandet 4; p.69; Doc.# 2674]
Waldemarus dei gracia Danorum Slavorumque rex

(Nov 1329) [5: bandet 4; p.137; Doc.# 2751]
We Cristofer van der ghnade ghodes en koningh dher denen vnde der wende

(Feb 1330) [2: række 2; part 10; p.196-197; Doc.# 200]
< Christopher II (+1332), King of Denmark [1320-1326; 1329-1332]; & Erik (VII) (+1332), Co-King of Denmark >
Christoforus dei gracia Danorum Slauorumque rex
Ericus eadem gracia rex Danorum Slauorum

-- the 2nd form

1. The second form of the title was often used in the Danish official documents that dealt with German and Estonian matters.

King of Denmark, the Wends;
Duke of Estonia;

@ Samples:

(Oct 1326) [2: række 2; part 9; p.289-290; Doc.# 322]
< Valdemar (+1364), Duke of Jutland; King of Denmark [1326-1329] >
Waldemarus dei gracia Danorum Sclauorumque rex,
dux Estonie

(Aug 1327) [2: række 2; part 9; p.383; Doc.# 427]
< Christopher II (+1332), King of Denmark [1320-1326; 1329-1332]; & Erik (VII) (+1332), Co-King of Denmark >
Christoforus dei gracia Danorum Slauorumque rex
dux Estonie.
Ericus filius suus eadem gracia rex.
Otto et Waldemarus filii eiusdem regis

(Mar 1328) [2: række 2; part 10; p.11; Doc.# 16]
Nos Cristoforus dei gracia Danorum Sclauorumque rex
dux Estonie

(July 1328) [5: bandet 4; p.66; Doc.# 2671]
Christopherus Dei gracia Danorum Slavorumque Rex atque
Dux Estonie

(June 1329) [2: række 2; part 10; p.134; Doc.# 126]
Nos Cristoforus dei gracia Danorum Sclauorumque rex
dux Estonie

--- 1332-1340 ( Interregnum: the rule of the Counts of Holstein )

1. The Counts of Holstein ruled Denmark from 1332 to 1340.

@ Samples [Auxiliary]:

(Oct 1333) [2: række 2; part 11; p.75; Doc.# 71]
< Otto, Duke of Lolland and Estonia, the second son of King Christofer II >
Nos Otto dei gracia Danorum domicellus /
Estonie et Lalandie dux

(Dec 1333) [2: række 2; part 11; p.86; Doc.# 83]
Wj Otto van gots gnadin der Danin iuncherre /
to Laland vnd to Estland hertoge

(July 1334) [2: række 2; part 11; p.131; Doc.# 145]
Wir von gots gnaden Otte iuncherre zü Denemarken.
hertzoge zu Lalande vnd zu Estlande

(May 1338) [2: række 2; part 12; p.67; Doc.# 82]
< Valdemar IV (+1375), King of Denmark 1340 >
Woldemarus dei gracia heres regni Dacie

(May 1338) [5: bandet 4; p.603; Doc.# 3358]
Wolldemar von Gottesz Gnaden Erffgenahme tho Dennemarken

(June 1338) [2: række 2; part 12; p.77-78; Doc.# 92]
Woldemarus dei gracia domicellus et uerus heres regni Dacie ac
dux Estonie

--- 1340-1346 ( Valdemar IV )

1. With the aid of the Emperor Louis IV and of Louis, Margrave of Brandenburg, Valdemar IV "the Atterdag", King Christopher II's son, began a diplomatic offensive to wrest sovereignty in Denmark from Gerhard and John "the Mild", Counts of Holstein. After the assassination of Gerhard in April 1340, Valdemar reached an agreement with John and was recognized as King of Denmark.

King of Denmark, the Wends;
Duke of Estonia;

@ Samples:

(May 1340) [5: bandet 4; p.716; Doc.# 3490]
< Valdemar IV "the Atterdag" (+1375), King of Denmark 1340 >
Woldemarus dei gracia Danorum Slavorumque Rex et
Dux Estonie

(Jan 1341) [5: bandet 5; p.4; Doc.# 3537]
Valdemarus Dei gracia Danorum Slauorumque rex, et
dux Estonie

(Aug 1343) [5: bandet 5; p.178; Doc.# 3720]
Nos waldemarus dei gratia Danorum sclauorumque Rex et
dux Estonie

(Jan 1345) [5: bandet 5; p.399; Doc.# 3884]
Woldemarus dei gracia danorum sclauorumque rex et
dux terre Estonie

(Aug 1346) [5: bandet 5; p.596; Doc.# 4100]
Nos Woldemarus, dei gracia Danorum Sclauorumque Rex et
dux Estonie

--- 1346-1361 ( Valdemar IV )

King of Denmark, the Wends;

@ Removed:

- [1346] Estonia
After major risings in 1343-1345, King Valdemar IV sold the sovereignty over northern Estonia to the Livonian Order (1346).

@ Samples:

(June 1350) [1: bind 4; p.9; Doc.# 13]
< Valdemar IV "the Atterdag" (+1375), King of Denmark 1340 >
Waldemarus dei gratia Danorum Slauorumque rex

(Mar 1361) [5: bandet 8; part 1; p.45; Doc.# 6452]
Waldemarus dei gracia Danorum Sclauorumque rex

--- 1361-1380 ( Valdemar IV; Olav II )

King of Denmark, the Wends, the Goths;

@ Added:

- [1361] the Goths
King Valdemar IV, conquered (in a famous battle outside the walls of Visby) the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea, which had been a part of Sweden, paying an annual tax for protection but otherwise remaining an independent peasant community with its own language and culture (1361).

@ Samples:

(Jan 1363) [5: bandet 8; part 2; p.279; Doc.# 6751]
< Valdemar IV "the Atterdag" (+1375), King of Denmark 1340 >
Waldemarus Dei gracia Danorum Sclauorumque Gotorum que rex

(Sep 1365) [5: bandet 8; part 3; p.703; Doc.# 7223]
Wy woldemer van der gnade ghodes kønyngh der Danen der wende vnde der ghoten

(July 1371) [2: række 3; part 9; p.54; Doc.# 59]
Van godes gnaden wi Woldemar koning der Denen Wenden vnd der Ghothin

(July 1375) [2: række 3; part 9; p.410-411; Doc.# 488]
Waldemarus, dei gratia Danorum Sclauorum Gottorumque rex

(May 1376) [1: bind 2; p.116; Doc.# 79]
< Olav (+1387), King of Denmark (Olav II) 1376, of Norway (Olav IV) 1381 >
Olauus dei gracia Danorum, Sclauorum Gothorumque rex

--- 1380-1387 ( Olav II )

King of Denmark, Norway, the Wends, the Goths;

@ Added:

- [1380] Norway
King Olav II succeeded his father Haakon VI in Norway (1380).

@ Samples:

(Jan 1386) [2: række 4; bind 3; Doc.# 5]
< Olav (+1387), King of Denmark (Olav II) 1376, of Norway (Olav IV) 1381 >
Olauus dei gracia Danorum Slauorum Gothorum et Norwegie rex necnon et
uerus heres regni Swecie

--- 1387-1396 ( Interregnum : the rule of Margaret "I" )

1. In 1387, after the death of Olav II, King of Denmark and Norway, at the age of 17, his mother Margaret (+1412), who had served as regent in both kingdoms for him, now became the ruler.
Margaret was a daughter of Valdemar IV, King of Denmark, and the widow of Haakon VI, King of Norway and Sweden.
2. Margaret consolidated her position in Norway and Denmark and, then joined forces with the Swedish nobles, who had risen against the unpopular King Albert of Sweden. By the Treaty of Dalaborg of 1388, the Swedish nobles proclaimed Margaret Regent of Sweden.
Defeating Albert in 1389, Margaret took him captive and released him only after the conclusion of peace six years later. His supporters, who had allied themselves with pirate bands in the Baltic Sea, did not surrender Stockholm until 1398.

@ Samples [Regents]:

(1388) [34: tome 14; p.547]
< Margaret "I" (+1412), Regent of Denmark & Norway in 1380-1412, of Sweden in 1388-1412; ~ Haakon (+1380), King of Norway (Haakon VI) 1350 / 1355, Co-King of Sweden [1362-1364] >
Margareta, dei gracia Norwegie et Swecie Regina ac
vera heres et princeps Regni Dacie

(Jan 1394) [33: Band XXII (1907); p.335; Doc.# 12616]
Margareta, dei gracia Norwegie et Swecie regina ac
vera heres et princeps regni Dacie

(Aug 1395) [34: tome 14; p.587]
Wy Margreta met Gudz Nadh Swerikes oc Norikes Drotning, oc
rætther Arwinge oc førstina rikcsens i Danmark

--- 1396-1438 ( Eric VII of Pomerania )

1. Margaret, Regent of Denmark (from 1375), of Norway (from 1380), and of Sweden (from 1389), by diplomacy and war, pursued dynastic policies that led to the Kalmar Union (1397), which united Denmark, Norway, and Sweden until 1523 and Denmark and Norway until 1814. In the absence of an heir, Margaret adopted her six-year-old nephew, Eric of Pomerania. Eric was proclaimed hereditary King of Norway in 1389 and was elected King of Denmark and Sweden in 1396. His coronation took place in 1397 in the southern Swedish town of Kalmar.
2. Despite Eric VII's coronation, Margaret remained Scandinavia's actual ruler until her death.

King of Denmark, Sweden, Norway, the Wends, the Goths;
Duke of Pomerania;

@ Added:

- Sweden, Norway, Pomerania
King Eric of Norway, who had succeeded his father, Wartislas in Pomerania-Stolp in 1395, was elected King in Denmark and in Sweden (1396).

@ Samples:

(1397) [34: tome 14; p.629]
< Eric (+1459), King of Norway (Eric III) [1389-1442], of Sweden (Eric XII) [1397-1439] , of Denmark (Eric VII) [1397-1438]; Duke of Pomerania-Stolp 1395 >
Ericus, Dei gratia Regnorum Daciæ, Norwegiæ, Sweciæ, Sclauorum, Gothorumque Rex et
Dux Pomeranorum

(July 1407) [2: række 4; bind 11; Doc.# 125]
Vii Erych meth gutz nadhe Danmarkes Swerighes Norghes wændes och Godis koningh oc
hærtygh i Pomeren

(Oct 1411) [2: række 4; bind 12; Doc.# 309]
Wy Erik meth gudhs nadhe Danmarks Swerigis. Norghes Wendes oc Godes koning oc
hertugh i Pomeren

(Feb 1422) [1: bind 2; p.149; Doc.# 112]
Wj Erik meth guths nathe Danmarcs, Sweriges, Norges, Wendes oc Gotes koning oc
hertuch j Pomeren

(Sep 1436) [21: Jahrgang 1902; p.173; Doc.# 1]
Wy Erik, van Godes gnaden to Dennemarken, Sweden, Norweghen, der Wende unde Gothen koning unde
hertoge to Pomeren

--- 1438-1441 ( Christopher III of Bavaria )

King of Denmark, the Wends, the Goths;
Count-Palatine of the Rhine;
Duke in Bavaria;

@ Replaced:

- [1440] Sweden, Norway, Pomerania with the Rhine, Bavaria
Christopher, son of John (+1443), Count-Palatine of Neunburg, and Catherine of Pomerania-Stolp, was elected King of Denmark instead of his uncle, Eric VII who was deposed in Denmark in 1438, in Sweden in 1439 and in Norway in 1442.

@ Samples:

(Oct 1440) [4: Samling 5; p.504]
< Christopher III of Bavaria (+1448), King Denmark 1438 >
Wii Cristoffer van godesgnaden to Dennemarcken der Wende unde der Goten koning
palantzgraue bij Rein vnde
hertoghe jn Beyeren

(Jan 1441) [4: Samling 5; p.507]
Christophorus dei gracia Dacie Sclauorum Gotorumque rex,
comes paletinus Reni et
dux Bawarie

--- 1441-1448 ( Christopher III of Bavaria )

King of Denmark, Sweden, Norway, the Wends, the Goths;
Count-Palatine of the Rhine;
Duke in Bavaria;

@ Added:

- Sweden
King Christopher III was accepted as King in Sweden (1441)

- Norway
Christopher III was accepted as King in Norway (1442).

@ Samples:

(July 1443) [4: Samling 5; p.520]
< Christopher III of Bavaria (+1448), King Denmark 1438 >
Wy Cristoffer van godes gnaden to Dennemarchen Sweden Norwegen der Wende vnde der Goten koninck
pfaltzgraue bij deme Rine vnnd
hertigh jn Beyern

(July 1443) [1: bind 2; p.163; Doc.# 126]
Wy Cristoffer meth gudz nadh Danmarcks, Swerighes, Norghes, Wendis oc Gotes konung,
palantzgreue paa Riin oc
hertugh j Beyærn

(Oct 1443) [1: bind 2; p.164; Doc.# 127]
Wy Cristoffer met gutz nadhe Danmarcs, Sweriges, Norges, Wendes oc Gotes konning,
palantzgreue vppa Riin oc hertugh i Beyern

--- 1448-1449 ( Christian I of Oldenburg )

King of Denmark, the Wends, the Goths;
Count of Oldenburg, Delmenhorst;

@ Replaced:

- [1448] Sweden, Norway, the Rhine, Bavaria with Oldenburg, Delmenhorst
Christian (+1481), Count of Oldenburg and Delmenhorst, elected as King of Denmark after the childless death of King Christopher III (1448).

@ Samples:

(Nov 1448) [20: p.2; Doc.# 2]
< Christian I (+1481), Count of Oldenburg; King of Denmark 1448, of Norway, of Sweden; Duke of Schleswig, of Holstein >
Wy Cristiern meth gudz nathe Danmarks Wendes oc Godes koning,
greue i Oldenborgh oc Delmenhorst

(Mar 1449) [1: bind 2; p.89; Doc.# 82]
Wy Cristiern meth gudhs nathe Danmarks, Wendes och Gotes konig,
greue j Oldenborgh och Delmenhorst

@ Samples [Auxiliary]:

(Sep 1448) [20: p.1; Doc.# 1]
< Christian I (+1481), Count of Oldenburg; King of Denmark 1448, of Norway, of Sweden; Duke of Schleswig, of Holstein >
Wy Cristiern, meth gudhs nathe greue i Oldenborgh och Delmenhorst

--- 1449-1457 ( Christian I of Oldenburg )

King of Denmark, Norway, the Wends, the Goths;
Count of Oldenburg, Delmenhorst;

@ Added:

- Norway
Christian I was recognized as King in Norway (1449).

@ Samples:

(July 1449) [11: volume 11; p.273]
< Christian I (+1481), Count of Oldenburg; King of Denmark 1448, of Norway, of Sweden; Duke of Schleswig, of Holstein >
Cristiernus, Dei Gratiâ, Regnorum Daciæ, Norwegiæ, Sclavorum, Gothorumque Rex,
Comes de Oldenbogh & Delmanhorst

(Mar 1452) [1: bind 2; p.100; Doc.# 98]
Wy Cristiern meth gudhs nathe Danmarks, Norghis, Wendes oc Godes koning,
greue i Oldenborgh oc Delmenhorst

(Jan 1454) [1: bind 2; p.187; Doc.# 137]
Wii Cristiern meth gudz nadhe Danmarcks, Norges, Wendes oc Gotes koning,
greue i Oldenborgh oc Delmenhorst

(Sept 1455) [1: bind 2; p.190; Doc.# 141]
Wy Christiern meth gudz nathe Danmarks, Norghis, Wendes oc Godes koning,
greue i Oldenborgh oc Delmenhorst

(Apr 1457) [1: bind 2; p.194; Doc.# 146]
Wi Christiern met guds naade Danmarchis, Norgis, Wendis och Gottis konning,
greffue vthi Olldenborg och Delmenhorst

--- 1457-1460 ( Christian I of Oldenburg )

King of Denmark, Sweden, Norway, the Wends, the Goths;
Count of Oldenburg, Delmenhorst;

@ Added:

- Sweden
After a Danish-Swedish war King Charles VII of Sweden was finally deposed, and Christian I was recognized as King in Sweden (1457).
Christian held the Swedish throne until 1464, when he was overthrown by a group of the higher Swedish nobility. He held the throne again in 1465-1467. His last full-scale attempt to gain sovereignty over Sweden was ended by his defeat at Brunkeberg, near Stockholm in 1471, by forces led by the Swedish nobleman Sten Sture "the Elder".

@ Samples:

(Apr 1458) [1: bind 2; p.194-195; Doc.# 147]
< Christian I (+1481), Count of Oldenburg; King of Denmark 1448, of Norway, of Sweden; Duke of Schleswig, of Holstein >
Wy Cristiern meth gutz nathe Danmarks, Sweriges, Norghis, Wendes oc Gotes koning,
greue i Oldenborgh oc Delmenhorst

--- 1460-1474

King of Denmark, Sweden, Norway, the Wends, the Goths;
Duke of Schleswig;
Count of Holstein, Stormarn, Oldenburg, Delmenhorst;

@ Added:

- [1460] Schleswig, Holstein, Stormarn
King Christian I inherited the Duchy of Schleswig and the Countries of Holstein and Stormarn after his maternal uncle, Adolphus VIII (1460).

@ Samples:

(May 1461) [1: bind 2; p.198-199; Doc.# 151]
< Christian I (+1481), Count of Oldenburg; King of Denmark 1448, of Norway, of Sweden; Duke of Schleswig, of Holstein >
Wy Cristiern meth gudhs nathe Danmarks, Swerighis, Norghis, Wendes oc Gothes koning,
hertugh i Sleswigh oc
Grewe i Holtzsten, Stormarn, Oldenburgh oc Delmenhorst

(Sep 1464) [1: bind 2; p.120; Doc. # 122]
Wii Christiern meth guds nade Danmarcks, Sweriges, Norges, Wendes oc Godes koning,
hertugh i Sleswigh,
greffwe i Holsthen, Stormern, Oldenburgh och Delmenhorst

(Feb 1466) [1: bind 4; p.91; Doc. # 106]
Wii Christiern, meth Gudhs nadhe Danmarcks, Sweriges, Norges, Wendes oc Gotes koning,
hertug i Sleszwiig,
greffue j Holsten, Stormarn, Oldenborg oc Delmenhorst

(May 1471) [1: bind 2; p.126; Doc. # 131]
Wii Cristiern meth gudz nathe Danmarcks, Sweriges, Norges, Wendes oc Gotes koning,
hertugh i Slesuigh,
greffue i Holsten, Stormarn, Oldenborgh oc Delmenhorst

(Apr 1474) [1: bind 2; p.131; Doc. # 136]
Wy Cristiern meth gwtz nathe Danmarks, Sweriges, Norges, Wendes ok Gothes konningh,
herthugh j Sletzwigh,
greffwe j Holsten, Stormaren, Oldenborigh och Delmenhorsth

--- 1474-1481

King of Denmark, Sweden, Norway, the Wends, the Goths;
Duke of Schleswig;
Duke of Holstein, Stormarn, Dithmarschen;
Count of Oldenburg, Delmenhorst;

@ Replaced:

- [1474] Holstein (County), Stormarn (County) with Holstein (Duchy), Stormarn (Duchy), Dithmarschen
Emperor Frederick III elevated Holstein, Stormarn and Dithmarschen to the rank of the Duchy (1474).
Note. In 1473, Emperor Frederick III enfeoffed King Christian I of Denmark with Dithmarschen.

@ Samples:

(Mar 1476) [1: bind 4; p.120; Doc.# 131]
< Christian I (+1481), Count of Oldenburg; King of Denmark 1448, of Norway, of Sweden; Duke of Schleswig, of Holstein >
Wii Cristiern, meth Gutz nathe Danmarks, Sweriges, Noriges, Wendes och Gothes konning,
hertug i Sletzuigh, i Holsten, Stormaren och Ditmersken,
greffue i Oldenborig och Delmenhorsth

(1479) [1: bind 2; p.216; Doc.# 169]
Wij Cristiern meth gudz nade Danmarcks, Sweriges, Norges, Wendes oc Gothes koning,
hertug i Sleswig oc
hertug i Holsten, Stormarn oc Ditmersken,
greffwe i Oldenborg oc Delmenhorst

(Nov 1480) [1: bind 4; p.136; Doc.# 148]
Wii Cristiern, met Gudz nade Danmarcks, Sweriges, Norges, Wendes oc Gothes koning,
hertug i Sleswig oc
hertug i Holsten, Stormarn och Ditmersken,
greffwe i Oldenborg oc Delmenhorst

--- 1481-1483

King of Denmark, Sweden;
Duke of Schleswig;
Duke of Holstein, Stormarn, Dithmarschen;
Count of Oldenburg, Delmenhorst;

@ Removed:

- [1481] Norway
Upon King Christian's death, his son John, who succeeded him as King of Denmark, did not became King of Norway as the Norwegian Council assumed Royal Authority, and an interregnum ensued in Norway (1481).

@ Samples:

(July 1482) [1: bind 2; p.147; Doc. # 153]
< John (+1513), King of Denmark 1481, of Sweden 1497, of Norway 1483; Duke of Schleswig & Holstein 1481 >
Wij Hans meth gutz nade vdwaldh koning til Danmarcks oc Sweriges riige,
ræth arffwingh till Norrige,
hertugh i Sleszwik och
hertugh i Holsten, Stormaren oc Ditmarsken,
greffwe vdi Aldenborg oc Delmenhorst

--- 1483-1497

King of Denmark, Norway, the Wends, the Goths;
King of Sweden;
Duke of Schleswig;
Duke of Holstein, Stormarn, Dithmarschen;
Count of Oldenburg, Delmenhorst;

@ Added:

- [1483] Norway
In 1483, King John was recognized as King in Norway. In July 1483, John was crowned as King of Norway.

@ Replaced:

- [1483] "Elected King of Denmark" with "King of Denmark, the Wends, the Goths"
John was crowned as King of Denmark (May 1483).

@ Samples:

(Apr 1486) [41: deel V (1827); p.200]
< John (+1513), King of Denmark 1481, of Sweden 1497, of Norway 1483 >
Wii Hans met guds nade Danmarks, Norgis, Vendis oc Gothes Konningh,
udwalt till Swerige,
Hertug i Sleswig oc
i Holsten, Stormarn oc Ditmerschen Hertug,
Greffue i Oldenborg oc Delmenhorsth

(June 1489) [1: bind 2; p.162; Doc. # 175]
Wij Hans meth gudz nade Danmarckes, Norges, Vendes oc Gotes koningh,
vtuald koningh tiil Sueriges rige,
hertugh i Slesuigh, oc
i Holsten, Stormarn oc Ditmersken hertugh,
greffue i Oldenborgh oc Delmenhorst

(Jan 1490, n.s.) [11: volume 12; p.381]
Johannes, Dei Gratiâ, Daciæ, Norvegiæ, Sclavorum, Gothorumque Rex,
Electus in Regem Sueciæ,
Dux Slescuicensis, ac
Holsatiæ, Stormariæ, Dithmerciæ Dux,
Comes in Oldenbourgh & Delmenhorst

(July 1493) [1: bind 4; p.229-230; Doc.# 222]
Wii Hans met Gudz nade Danmarcks, Norgis, Vendis oc Gotis konning,
vduald konning tiil Suerigis rigae,
hertugh i Sleszuig,
Holsten, Stormarn oc i Ditmerschen hertugh,
greffue i Oldenborg oc Delmenhorst

--- 1497-1513

King of Denmark, Sweden, Norway, the Wends, the Goths;
Duke of Schleswig, Holstein, Stormarn, Dithmarschen;
Count of Oldenburg, Delmenhorst;

@ Replaced:

- [1497] "Elected King of Sweden" with "King of Sweden"
John was crowned as King of Sweden (Nov 1497).
Note. In October 1497, King John conquered Sweden.

@ Samples:

(May 1498) [1: bind 4; p.254; Doc.# 244]
< John (+1513), King of Denmark 1481, of Sweden 1497, of Norway 1483 >
Wii Hans medh Gutz nade Danmarckes, Suerigis, Norgis, Wendis oc Gotis koning,
hertug i Sleswig, i Holsten, Stormarn oc Ditmersken,
greffue i Oldenborg oc Delmenhorst

(Oct 1501) [1: bind 4; p.274; Doc.# 263]
Wii Hans, met Gudz nade Danmarchis, Suerigis, Norgis, Vendis oc Gotis konningh,
hertugh i Sleszuigh, i Holsten, Stormarn oc Ditmerschenn,
greffue i Oldenborg oc Delmenhorst

(Sep 1510) [1: bind 4; p.313; Doc.# 301]
Wii Hanss met Gudz nade Danmarckis, Suerigis, Norgis, Vendis oc Gotis koningh,
hertugh wdj Sleszuig, i Holstenn, Stormarn oc Ditmersken,
greffue vdj Olldenborgh oc Delmenhorst

(Apr 1512) [1: bind 2; p.190; Doc. # 205]
Wii Hanss met gudz nade Danmarckes, Sueriges, Norges, Vendes och Gotes konnungh,
hertug i Slesuigh, i Holstenn, Stormarnn oc i Ditmerschenn,
greffue i Oldenborgh oc Delmenhorst

--- 1513-1514

King of Denmark, Norway;
King of Sweden;
Duke of Schleswig, Holstein, Stormarn, Dithmarschen;
Count of Oldenburg, Delmenhorst;

@ Samples:

(Jan 1514) [1: bind 4; p.336; Doc. # 330]
< Christian II (+1559), King of Denmark & Norway [1513–1523], of Sweden [1520–1521] >
Wii Cristiern med Guds naade fuldbiurd oc samtyckt konge til Danmarck oc Norge,
vdwald koning til Swerrig,
hertug i Sleswig, Holsten, Stormarn oc Dytmerschen,
grefue i Oldenborg oc Delmenhorst

--- 1514-1520

King of Denmark, Norway, the Wends, the Goths;
King of Sweden;
Duke of Schleswig, Holstein, Stormarn, Dithmarschen;
Count of Oldenburg, Delmenhorst;

@ Replaced:

- [1514] "Elected King of Denmark" with "King of Denmark, the Wends, the Goths"
Christian II was crowned as King of Denmark (June 1514).

- [1514] "Elected King of Norway" with "King of Norway"
Christian II was crowned as King of Norway (July 1514).

@ Samples:

(Feb 1518) [1: bind 4; p.375; Doc. # 364]
< Christian II (+1559), King of Denmark & Norway [1513–1523], of Sweden [1520–1521] >
Wii Christiernn met Gudts nade Danmarckis, Norgis, Wendis och Gottis koning,
vduald koning tiill Suerige,
herthug i Slesuig, Holstenn, Stormernn och Ditmersken,
greffue i Oldenborg och Delmenhors

--- 1520-1523

King of Denmark, Sweden, Norway, the Wends, the Goths;
Duke of Schleswig, Holstein, Stormarn, Dithmarschen;
Count of Oldenburg, Delmenhorst;

@ Replaced:

- [1520] "Elected King of Sweden" with "King of Sweden"
King Christian II was crowned as King of Sweden (Nov 1520).

@ Samples:

(June 1523) [11: volume 13; p.798]
< Christian II (+1559), King of Denmark & Norway [1513–1523], of Sweden [1520–1521] >
Christiernus, Dei gratiâ, Daciæ, Sueciæ, Norvegiæ, Vuandalorum, Gothorumque Rex,
Dux Slesvicensis, Holsatiæ, Stormariæ & Ditmarsiæ,
Comes in Oldenborch & Delmenhorst

--- 1523-1524

King of Denmark;
Duke of Schleswig, Holstein, Stormarn, Dithmarschen;
Count of Oldenburg, Delmenhorst;

@ Removed:

- [1523] Sweden, Norway
The Danish nobles revolted against Christian II and elected his uncle, Duke Frederick of Holstein, as King of Denmark. Three months later Gustav Vasa was elected King of Sweden by a meeting of the Swedish Estates (1523).

@ Samples:

(1523) [32: bind 6; p.61-62; Doc.# 1]
< Frederick I (+1533), Duke of Schleswig-Holstein; King of Denmark 1523 >
Vi Frederik, med Guds Naade udvalgt Konge til Danmark,
rette Arving til Norge,
Hertug i Slesvig, Holsteen, Stormarn og Ditmarsten,
Greve i Oldenborg og Delmenhorst

--- 1524-1534

King of Denmark, the Wends, the Goths;
King of Norway;
Duke of Schleswig, Holstein, Stormarn, Dithmarschen;
Count of Oldenburg, Delmenhorst;

@ Replaced:

- [1524] "Elected King of Denmark" with "King of Denmark, the Wends, the Goths"
Frederick I was crowned as King of Denmark (1524).

@ Added:

- Norway
King Frederick I was elected as King of Norway (1524).

@ Samples:

(Aug 1524) [37: serien I; p.313; Doc.# 14]
< Frederick I (+1533), Duke of Schleswig-Holstein; King of Denmark 1523, of Norway 1524 >
Wij Frederik mett Guds naade Danmark Wendis oc Gottes Konungh,
vtwaldt Konungh till Norge,
Hertugh i Sleswijk, Holsten, Stormaren ok Ditmersken,
Grefwe i Oldenburg ok Delminhorst

(July 1527) [1: bind 4; p.417; Doc.# 401]
Wii Ffrederic mett Gwtz naade Danmarckis, Wendis oc Gottis koning,
vtwald koning til Norge,
hertwg i Sleswig, Holsten, Stormarenn oc Døtmarsken,
greffwe i Oldenborg oc Delmenhorst

(Dec 1530) [1: bind 2; p.378; Doc.# 256]
Wii Frederick met gutzs naade Danmarcks, Wendis och Gottis koning,
vdtualdt konning till Norge,
hertug vdi Slesuiig, Holstten, Stormarn och Dittmersken,
greffue vdi Oldenburg och Delmenhorst

(Aug 1532) [1: bind 4; p.473; Doc.# 453]
Wii Ffrederick mett Gudts naadhe Danmarckis, Wendis oc Gottis konning,
vduold konning tiill Norghe,
hertug vtj Slesuig, Holstenn, Stormaren oc Ditmerskenn,
greffue wti Oldenborg oc Delmenhorst

--- 1533-1537

King of Denmark, Norway;
Duke of Schleswig, Holstein, Stormarn, Dithmarschen;
Count of Oldenburg, Delmenhorst;

@ Samples:

(Sep 1536) [38: deel II (1778); p.312]
< Christian III (+1559), King of Denmark 1533 >
Wi Christiann met Gudßs Naade vduoldt Konning till Dannemarck och Norge,
Hertug vdi Slesuig, Holdtstenn, Stormarnn och Dythmerschenn,
Greffue vti Oldenburg och Delmenhorst

--- 1537-1777

King of Denmark, Norway, the Wends, the Goths;
Duke of Schleswig, Holstein, Stormarn, Dithmarschen;
Count of Oldenburg, Delmenhorst;

@ Replaced:

- [1537] "Elected King of Denmark, Norway" with "King of Denmark, Norway, the Wends, the Goths"
Christian III was crowned as King of Denmark and Norway (Aug 1537).

@ Samples:

(Oct 1537) [1: bind 2; p.394; Doc.# 272]
< Christian III (+1559), King of Denmark 1533 >
Wij Christiann met gudts naade Danmarcks, Norges, Wendis och Gottis konning,
hertug vdj Sleswiig, Holstenn, Stormarn oc Ditmersken,
greffue vdj Oldenborg och Delmenhorst

(May 1566) [10: vol.IX; part I; p.77; Doc.# 49]
< Frederick II (+1588), King of Denmark 1559 >
Fridericus secundus Dei gratia Daniae, Norvegiae, Vandalorum, Gothorumque rex,
dux Slesvici, Holsatiae, Stormariae ac Diethmarsiae,
comes in Oldenburg et Delmenhotst

(Oct 1596) [1: bind 1; p.561; Doc.# 384]
< Christian IV (+1648), King of Denmark 1588 >
Wii Christiann thendt Fierde medt gudtz naade Danmarckis, Norgis, Wendis och Gottis koningh,
herttug wdj Slesuig, Holstenn, Stormarnn och Diittmerskenn,
grefue wdj Oldennborg och Delmenhorst

(Nov 1665) [23: bind I [1096-1720]; p.298-299]
< Frederick III (+1670), King of Denmark 1648 >
Vi Frederik den Tredie af Guds Naade Dannemarkis, Norgis, Vendis og Gottis Konning,
Hertug udi Slesvig, Holsten, Stormarn og Ditmarsken,
Greve udi Oldenborg og Delmenhorst

(Dec 1685) [22: p.491; Doc.# VII]
< Christian V (+1699), King of Denmark 1670 >
Wii Christian den Fembte, aff Guds Naade Konge til Danmark og Norge, de Wenders og Gotters,
Hertug udi Sledswig, Holsten, Stormarn og Dytmersken,
Grefve udi Oldenborg og Delmenhorst

(Mar 1713) [27: bind I; p.1]
< Frederick IV (+1730), King of Denmark 1699 >
Vi Friderich dend fierde af Guds nåde konge til Danmark og Norge, de Venders og Gothers,
hertug udi Slesvig, Holsteen, Stormarn og Ditmersken,
greve udi Oldenborg og Delmenhorst,

(Sep 1731) [28: del II; p.260; Doc.# 5]
< Christian VI (+1746), King of Denmark 1730 >
Vii Christian den Siette af Guds Naade Konge til Danmark og Norge, de Venders og Gothers,
Hertug udi Slesvig, Holsten, Stormarn og Dytmersken,
Greve udi Oldenborg og Delmenhorst

< Frederick V (+1766), King of Denmark 1746 >

(May 1775) [28: del II; p.262; Doc.# 6]
< Christian VII (+1808), King of Denmark 1766 >
Vi Christian den Syvende, af Guds Naade Konge til Danmark og Norge, de Venders og Gothers,
Hertug udi Slesvig, Holsteen, Stormarn og Dytmersken,
Greve udj Oldonborg og Delmenhorst

@ Samples [Auxiliary]:

(Dec 1559) [18: Band II; p.224; Doc.# 158]
< Magnus (+1583), a son of King Christian III of Denmark; King of Livonia [1570-1577]; Bishop of Ösel-Wieck >
Wir Magnus von Gottes gnaden Erbe zu Norwegen,
Hertzog zu Schlesswyg, Holstein, Stormarn, vnd der Diettmarschen,
Graff zu Oldenburg, vnd Delmenhorst

(June 1562) [18: Band II; p.310; Doc.# 312]
Magnus von Gots gnaden Bischof der Stifte Ozel, Wieck vnnd Churlant
Administrator des Stifftes Reuel,
Erb zu Norwegen,
Hertzog zu Schlesswieck Holstein, Stoermarn vnnd der Ditmarschen,
Graf zu Oldenenburg vnnd Delmannhorst

(Aug 1570) [36: Band III (1887); p.359; Doc.# III]
Magnus von Gottes gnaden Koning in Lifflandt,
der Estnischen vnd Lettischen Lande Herr,
Erb zu Norwegen,
Hertzog zu Schleswyck, Holstein, Stormarn vnd der Ditmarschen,
Grafe zu Oldenburg und Delmenhorst

(May 1572) [19: Band XI (1864); V (Chronik der Universität zu Kiel); p.7]
Von Gottes gnaden wir Magnus Konink in Lieffland
Erb zu Norwegen,
Hertzogk tzu Schleswieck Holstein, Stormarn unnd der Ditmarschen,
Graue zu Oltenenburgk unnd Delmenhorst

(Feb 1575) [36: Band III (1887); p.383; Doc.# XV]
Von Gottes gnaden Magnuß erweltter zum König in Lieffland,
Erbe zu Norwegen,
Hertzog zu Schleswig, Holstein, Stormarn vnd der Dittmarschen,
Graf zu Oldenburg vnd Delmenhorst

--- 1777-1814

King of Denmark, Norway, the Wends, the Goths;
Duke of Schleswig, Holstein, Stormarn, Dithmarschen, Oldenburg;

@ Replaced:

- [1777] Oldenburg (County), Delmenhorst with Oldenburg (Duchy)
Emperor Joseph II elevated the Counties of Oldenburg & Delmenhorst to the duchy of Oldenburg (1774, announced 1777).

@ Samples:

(Apr 1778) [23: bind IV [1773-1783]; p.439]
< Christian VII (+1808), King of Denmark 1766 >
Vi Christian den Syvende af Guds Naade Konge til Danmark og Norge, de Venders og Gothers,
Hertug udi Slesvig, Holsten, Slormarn, Dytmersken og Oldenborg

(Feb 1785) [35: p.2]
Christian den Syvende, af Guds Naade Konge til Danmark og Norge, de Venders og, Gothers,
Hertug udi Slesvig, Holsteen, Stormarn, Ditmarsken og Oldenborg p. p.

(Nov 1805) [32: bind 6; p.615-616; Doc.# 25]
Vi Christian dm Syvende, af Guds Naade Konge til Danmark og Norge, de Venders og Gothers,
Hertug udi Slesvig, Holsteen, Stormarn, Ditmarsken og Oldenborg

(Jan 1809) [23: bind VII [1806-1818]; p.235]
< Frederick VI (+1839), King of Denmark 1808, of Norway [1808-1814] >
Vi Frederik den Sjette, af Guds Naade Konge til Danmark og Norge, de Venders og Gothers,
Hertug til Slesvig, Holsteen, Stormarn, Ditmarsken og Oldenborg

(Oct 1813) [41: p.742; Doc.# 65]
Frederik den Sjette, af Guds Naade Konge til Danmark og Norge, de Wenders og Gothers,
Hertug i Slesvig, Holsteen, Stormarn, Ditmarsten og Oldenburg

--- 1814-1814

King of Denmark, the Wends, the Goths;
Duke of Schleswig, Holstein, Stormarn, Dithmarschen, Oldenburg, Pomerania;
Prince of Rügen;

@ Replaced:

- [1814] Norway with Pomerania, Rügen
Note. By the Treaty of Kiel (Jan 1814), Denmark gave up all its rights to Norway (but not to the old Norwegian dependencies of Iceland, the Faeroes, and Greenland) to Sweden. The King of Denmark was to be compensated with West Pomerania and Rügen.

@ Samples:

(18 Jan 1814) [40: p.257; Doc.# IV]
< Frederick VI (+1839), King of Denmark 1808, of Norway [1808-1814] >
Vi Frederik den Sjette af Guds Naade Konge til Danmark, de Venders og Gothers,
Hertug til Slesvig, Holsten, Stormarn, Ditmarsten, Oldenborg og Pommern,
Fyrste til Rygen

(Jan 24, 1814) [24: bind IX; p.417-418; Doc.# VII]
Vi Frederik den Sjette, af Guds Naade Konge til Danmark, de Venders og Gothers,
Hertug til Slesvig, Holsten, Stormarn, Ditmarsken, Oldenborg og Pommern,
Fyrste til Rygen

(10 Feb 1814) [39: bind II; p.86]
Frederik den Sjette af Guds Naade Konge til Danmark, de Venders og Gothers,
Hertug til Slesvig, Holsteen, Stormarn, Ditmarsien Oldenborg og Pommern,
Fyrste til Rygen

--- 1814-1816

King of Denmark, the Wends, the Goths;
Duke of Schleswig, Holstein, Stormarn, Dithmarschen, Oldenburg;

@ Removed:

- Pomerania, Rügen
The Chancery-Circular of 22 Feb 1814 removed the references to Pomerania, Rügen in the Royal title (1814).
Note. In 1815, the West part of Pomerania and Rügen passed to Prussia.

@ Samples:

(Apr 1814) (Jan 19, 1814) [25: række 1; p.9; Doc.# 6]
< Frederick VI (+1839), King of Denmark 1808, of Norway [1808-1814] >
Frederik den Sjette, af Guds Naade Konge til Danmark, de Venders og Gothers,
Hertug til Slesvig, Holsten, Stormarn, Ditmarsken og Oldenborg

--- 1816-1918

King of Denmark, the Wends, the Goths;
Duke of Schleswig, Holstein, Stormarn, Dithmarschen, Lauenburg, Oldenburg;

@ Addeed:

- [1816] Lauenburg
The Chancery-Circular of 7 Aug 1816 introduced the addition of Lauenburg to the Royal title (1816).
Note. In 1814, the King of Denmark acquired Lauenburg.

@ Samples:

(Aug 1816) [23: bind VII [1806-1818]; p.613]
< Frederick VI (+1839), King of Denmark 1808, of Norway [1808-1814] >
Vi Frederik den Sjette af Guds Naade Konge til Danmark, de Venders og Gothers,
Hertug i Slesvig, Holsten, Stormarn, Ditmarsken, Lauenborg og Oldenborg

(Jan 1839) [26: bind I; p.223]
Vi Frederik den Sjette, af Guds Naade Konge til Danmark, de Venders og Gothers,
Hertug til Slesvig, Holsten, Stormarn, Ditmarsken, Lauenburg og Oldenburg

(Sep 1851) [22: p.511; Doc.# X]
< Frederick VII (+1863), King of Denmark 1848 >
Vi Frederik den Syvende af Guds Naade Konge til Danmark, de Venders og Gothers,
Hertug til Slesvig, Holsten, Stormarn, Ditmarsken, Lauenborg og Oldenborg

(July 1880) [31: aaret 1880; afdeling A; # 28; p.89; Doc.# 93 / 24 Juli]
< Christian IX (+1906), King of Denmark 1863 >
Vi Christian den Niende, af Guds Naade Konge til Danmark, de Venders og Gothers,
Hertug til Slesvig, Holsten, Stormarn, Ditmarsken, Lauenborg og Oldenborg

(Oct 1907) [31: aaret 1907; afdeling A; # 30; p.245; Doc.# 250 / 4 Oktober]
< Frederick VIII (+1912), King of Denmark 1906 >
Frederik den Ottende, af Guds Naade Konge til Danmark, de Venders og Goters,
Hertug til Slesvig, Holsten, Stormarn, Ditmarsken, Lauenborg og Oldenborg

--- 1918-1944

King of Denmark, Iceland, the Wends, the Goths;
Duke of Schleswig, Holstein, Stormarn, Dithmarschen, Oldenburg, Lauenburg;

@ Added:

- [1918] Iceland
By the Act of Union of December 1 1918, Denmark, recognized Iceland as a sovereign kingdom, united with Denmark in a personal union (1918).

@ Samples:

(Oct 1940) [30: aaret 1940; afdeling A; Nr.111; p.1761; Doc.# 570 / 31 Oktober]
< Christian X (+1947), King of Denmark 1912 >
Vi Christian den Tiende, af Guds Naade Konge til Danmark og Island, de Venders og Goters,
Hertug til Slesvig, Holsten, Stormarn, Ditmarsken, Lauenborg og Oldenborg

--- 1944-1972

King of Denmark, the Wends, the Goths;
Duke of Schleswig, Holstein, Stormarn, Dithmarschen, Oldenburg, Lauenburg;

@ Removed:

- Iceland
The Icelanders decided to terminate the union of Iceland with Denmark and establish Republic (June 1944).

@ Samples:

(June 1947) [30: aaret 1947; afdeling A; Nr.43; p.1045; Doc.# 351 / 4 Juni]
< Frederick IX (+1972), King of Denmark 1947 >
Vi Frederik den Niende, af Guds Naade Konge til Danmark, de Venders og Goters,
Hertug til Slesvig, Holsten, Stormarn, Ditmarsken, Lauenborg og Oldenborg

(June 1958) [30: aaret 1958; afdeling A; Nr.XV; p.453; Doc.# 163 / 7 Juni]
Vi Frederik den Niende, af Guds Nåde Konge til Danmark, de Venders og Goters,
Hertug til Slesvig, Holsten, Stormarn, Ditmarsken, Lauenborg og Oldenborg

(Feb 1963) [30: aaret 1963; afdeling A; Nr.IV; p.38; Doc.# 34 / 11 februar]
Vi Frederik den Niende, af Guds Nåde Konge til Danmark, de Venders og Goters,
Hertug til Slesvig, Holsten, Stormarn, Ditmarsken, Lauenborg og Oldenborg

--- Since 1972

Denmark's King;

@ Removed:

- [1972] the Wends, the Goths, Schleswig, Holstein, Stormarn, Dithmarschen, Oldenburg, Lauenburg
On her accession Queen Margaret II adopted the new version of the Danish Royal title (1972).

@ Samples:

(June 1973) [30: aaret 1973; afdeling A; Nr.XXXII; p.993; Doc.# 350 / 13 juni]
< Margaret II (born 1940), Queen of Denmark 1972 >
Vi Margrethe den Anden, af Guds Nåde Danmarks Dronning

(May 1981) [30: aaret 1981; afdeling A; Hæfte 38; p.665; Doc.# 238 / 27 maj]
Vi Margrethe den Anden, af Guds Nåde Danmarks Dronning

Appendix A. Halland

@ Samples:

(1300) [5: bandet 2; p.319; Doc.# 1308]
< James (+1308), Count of Halland >
Jacobus Dei gratia Comes Halandiæ

(Nov 1316) [5: bandet 3; p.285; Doc.# 2074]
< Christopher (+1332), Duke of Halland & Samsø; King of Denmark (Christopher II) >
Christoforus, dei gratia Dux Hallandie et Samshoe

(Apr 1318) [5: bandet 3; p.359; Doc.# 2146]
Christophorus, Dei gracia Dux Hallandie et Samsoo

(1327) [5: bandet 4; p.35; Doc.# 2641]
< Canute Porse (+1330), Duke of Halland & Samsø; ~1327 Ingeborg, the daughter of Hakon V, King of Norway, and the widow of Erick, Duke of Sweden >
Wij Knud med Guds Naade Hertug udi Halland och Samsö

(July 1329) [5: bandet 4; p.118; Doc.# 2731]
Nos Kanutus, Dei gracia Dux Hallandie et Samsoø